solutions through science
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Mining / Oil & Gas / Land Use

Our team provides technical support to achieve sustainable resource development from inception to closure, including project development and permitting, regulatory compliance during operations, and reclamation and closure planning. We are committed to exploring cost-effective emerging technologies to minimize environmental impacts and maximize project benefits.

Services include:

  • Habitat assessment and revegetation at mines, gravel sites, landfills, and other disturbed areas

  • Reclamation and closure planning

  • Gravel mine planning, permitting, and stormwater management

  • Environmental compliance and logistical support for remote oil, gas, mining, and land use projects

  • Multi Increment® Sampling (MIS) protocols and plans

  • Developing and deploying technical training for community decision makers (water quality criteria and permits, air quality, mining operations) and organizations,including English as a Second Language (ESL) audiences

  • Solid waste characterization and disposal alternatives

  • Alaska Native shareholder development

  • Industrial energy efficiency methods to reduce emissions, fuel consumption, and solid and hazardous waste generation

  • Implementing novel methods to mitigate wildlife interference on project sites

  • Maximizing site compliance and sustainable work practices via outreach newsletters and collaborating with operations workers


Mining, oil, and gas provide vital resources and support valuable jobs in Alaska, and these projects must comply with a complex regulatory environment while protecting nearby public and private lands, water, wildlife, and air quality.

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